Source code for gpxplotter.gpxread

# Copyright (c) 2021, Anders Lervik.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""This module defines methods for reading data from GPX files."""
import warnings
from math import atan, atan2, cos, radians, sin, sqrt, tan
from xml.dom import minidom

import dateutil.parser
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline

from gpxplotter.common import cluster_velocities, update_hr_zones

    "time": {"key": "time", "formatter": dateutil.parser.parse},
    "temp": {"key": "ns3:atemp", "formatter": float},
    "hr": {"key": "ns3:hr", "formatter": int},
    "cad": {"key": "ns3:cad", "formatter": float},

[docs] def vincenty(point1, point2, tol=10**-12, maxitr=1000): """Calculate distance between two lat/lon coordinates. This calculation is based on the formula available from Wikipedia [1]_. Parameters ---------- point1 : tuple of floats This is the first coordinate on the form: ``(lat, lon)``. point2 : tuple of floats This is the second coordinate on the form: ``(lat, lon)``. tol : float, optional The tolerance from convergence. The default value is taken from the wikipedia article. maxitr : integer, optional The maximum number of iterations to perform. References ---------- .. [1]'s_formulae """ # Some WGS-84 parameters: major_axis = 6378137.0 flattening = 1 / 298.257223563 minor_axis = 6356752.314245 lat1, lon1 = point1 lat2, lon2 = point2 rlat1 = atan((1 - flattening) * tan(radians(lat1))) rlat2 = atan((1 - flattening) * tan(radians(lat2))) diff_long = radians(lon2) - radians(lon1) # Iteratively, according to Wikipedia lambd = diff_long sin1 = sin(rlat1) cos1 = cos(rlat1) sin2 = sin(rlat2) cos2 = cos(rlat2) converged = False for _ in range(maxitr): sin_sigma = sqrt( (cos2 * sin(lambd)) ** 2 + (cos1 * sin2 - sin1 * cos2 * cos(lambd)) ** 2 ) if sin_sigma == 0.0: return 0.0 cos_sigma = sin1 * sin2 + cos1 * cos2 * cos(lambd) sigma = atan2(sin_sigma, cos_sigma) sin_alpha = (cos1 * cos2 * sin(lambd)) / sin_sigma cos_alpha_sq = 1.0 - sin_alpha**2 if cos_alpha_sq == 0.0: cos_sigma2 = 0.0 else: cos_sigma2 = cos_sigma - ((2.0 * sin1 * sin2) / cos_alpha_sq) cvar = ( (flattening / 16.0) * cos_alpha_sq * (4.0 + flattening * (4.0 - 3.0 * cos_alpha_sq)) ) lambd0 = lambd lambd = diff_long + (1.0 - cvar) * flattening * sin_alpha * ( sigma + cvar * sin_sigma * ( cos_sigma2 + cvar * (cos_sigma * (-1.0 + 2.0 * cos_sigma2**2)) ) ) diff = abs(lambd0 - lambd) if diff <= tol: converged = True break if not converged: raise ValueError("Vincenty's formulae did not converge!") uvar_sq = cos_alpha_sq * ( (major_axis**2 - minor_axis**2) / minor_axis**2 ) avar = 1.0 + (uvar_sq / 16384.0) * ( 4096.0 + uvar_sq * (-768.0 + uvar_sq * (320.0 - 175.0 * uvar_sq)) ) bvar = (uvar_sq / 1024.0) * ( 256.0 + uvar_sq * (-128.0 + uvar_sq * (74.0 - 47.0 * uvar_sq)) ) delta_sigma = ( bvar * sin_sigma * ( cos_sigma2 + 0.25 * bvar * ( cos_sigma * (-1.0 + 2.0 * cos_sigma2**2) - (bvar / 6.0) * ( cos_sigma2 * ( (-3.0 + 4.0 * sin_sigma**2) * (-3.0 + 4.0 * cos_sigma2**2) ) ) ) ) ) dist = minor_axis * avar * (sigma - delta_sigma) return dist
[docs] def extract_data(point, key, formatter): """Extract data from a point. Parameters ---------- key : string The xml field we are extracting data from. formatter : callable A method we use to format/convert the data we extract. """ data = point.getElementsByTagName(key) for i in data: return [formatter( for child in i.childNodes]
[docs] def get_point_data(point): """Get basic information from a track point. Parameters ---------- point : object like :py:class:`xml.dom.minidom.Element` The point on the track we are extracting information from. """ data = { "lat": float(point.getAttribute("lat")), "lon": float(point.getAttribute("lon")), } ele = extract_data(point, "ele", float) if ele is not None: data["elevation"] = ele for key, val in EXTRACT.items(): value = extract_data(point, val["key"], val["formatter"]) if value is not None: data[key] = value return data
[docs] def read_segment(segment): """Read raw gpx-data for a segment. Parameters ---------- segment : object like :py:class:`xml.dom.minidom.Element` The segment we are about to read data from. Returns ------- out : dict The data read from the segment. """ points = segment.getElementsByTagName("trkpt") data = {} for point in points: point_data = get_point_data(point) if any([i is None for i in data]): continue for key, val in point_data.items(): if key not in data: data[key] = [] try: data[key].extend(val) except TypeError: data[key].append(val) for key, val in data.items(): if key not in ("time", "hr"): data[key] = np.array(val) if "hr" in data: data["hr"] = np.array(data["hr"], dtype=np.int_) return data
[docs] def get_distances(lat, lon): """Get the spatial distance between time-ordered points. Parameters ---------- lat : list of floats The latitudes. lon : list of floats The longitudes. Returns ------- dist : list of floats The distances in meters. """ dist = [] for i, (lati, loni) in enumerate(zip(lat, lon)): if i == 0: dist.append(0) else: dist.append( dist[-1] + vincenty((lati, loni), (lat[i - 1], lon[i - 1])) ) return dist
[docs] def _get_gpx_text(track, tagname): """Grab text from a given track.""" tag_txt = [] tag = track.getElementsByTagName(tagname) for i in tag: tag_txt.append( "".join( for child in i.childNodes if (child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE) ) ) return tag_txt
[docs] def approximate_velocity(distance, time): """Calculate approximate velocities. This method will calculate approximate velocities by finding a spline and its derivative. Parameters ---------- distance : array_like Distances, measured as a function of time. time : array_like The accompanying time stamps for the velocities. """ try: spline = UnivariateSpline(time, distance, k=3) vel = spline.derivative()(time) idx = np.where(vel < 0)[0] vel[idx] = 0.0 return vel except Exception as error: warnings.warn(f'Estimating velocities failed: "{error.args}"') return None
[docs] def get_velocity(segment): """Attempt to estimate the velocity. Parameters ---------- segment : dict The raw data from the gpx file. """ # Velocity i m / s velocity = approximate_velocity( segment["distance"], segment["elapsed-time"] ) if velocity is not None: segment["velocity"] = velocity segment["Velocity / km/h"] = 3.6 * segment["velocity"] # Pace in min / km, as float idx = np.where(segment["velocity"] > 0)[0] segment["pace"] = np.zeros_like(segment["velocity"]) segment["pace"][idx] = 1.0 / ((60.0 / 1000) * segment["velocity"][idx]) # Add velocity levels: levels = cluster_velocities(segment["velocity"]) if levels is not None: segment["velocity-level"] = levels
[docs] def process_segment(segment, max_heart_rate=187): """Add derived properties to the given segment. Parameters ---------- segment : dict The raw data from the gpx file. max_heart_rate : float, optional The maximum heart rate, used for the calculation of heart rate zones. """ segment["latlon"] = list(zip(segment["lat"], segment["lon"])) # Process time information: if "time" in segment: time_zero = segment["time"][0] time_delta = [i - time_zero for i in segment["time"]] segment["elapsed-time"] = np.array( [i.total_seconds() for i in time_delta], ) # Calculate distance: segment["distance"] = np.array( get_distances(segment["lat"], segment["lon"]) ) segment["Distance / km"] = segment["distance"] / 1000.0 # Estimate velocity: if "distance" in segment and "elapsed-time" in segment: get_velocity(segment) # Add hr metrics: if "hr" in segment: update_hr_zones(segment, max_heart_rate=max_heart_rate) if "elapsed-time" in segment: delta_time = ( segment["elapsed-time"][-1] - segment["elapsed-time"][0] ) segment["average-hr"] = ( np.trapz(segment["hr"], segment["elapsed-time"]) / delta_time ) # Add elevation metrics: if "elevation" in segment: ele_diff = np.diff(segment["elevation"]) segment["elevation-up"] = sum(ele_diff[np.where(ele_diff > 0)[0]]) segment["elevation-down"] = sum(ele_diff[np.where(ele_diff < 0)[0]]) # Add alias: if "hr" in segment: segment["heart rate"] = segment["hr"]
[docs] def read_gpx_file(gpxfile, max_heart_rate=187): """Read data from a given gpx file. Parameters ---------- gpxfile : string The file to open and read. max_heart_rate : integer (or float) The heart rate, used in calculation of heart rate zones. Yields ------ out : dict A dictionary containing the data read from each track in the file. """ gpx = minidom.parse(gpxfile) tracks = gpx.getElementsByTagName("trk") for track in tracks: raw_segments = track.getElementsByTagName("trkseg") track_data = { "name": _get_gpx_text(track, "name"), "type": _get_gpx_text(track, "type"), "segments": [read_segment(i) for i in raw_segments], } # Add some more processed data for segments for segment in track_data["segments"]: process_segment(segment, max_heart_rate=max_heart_rate) yield track_data