Adding custom tiles to a map

In this example we will add custom tiles to a map. Specifically, we will add tiles from Thunderforest.

To use these maps, you will have to sign up at Thunderforest and obtain an API key to use for retrieving the tiles.

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

import folium

from gpxplotter import add_segment_to_map, create_folium_map, read_gpx_file

line_options = {"weight": 10}

API_KEY = "<insert-your-apikey-here>"
the_map = create_folium_map()

# Make use of the Thunderforest Outdoors map:
tile_settings1 = {
    "tiles": (
        + API_KEY
    "name": "Thunderforest Outdoors",
    "attr": (
        '&copy; <a href="">Thunderforest</a>,'
        ' &copy; <a href="">'
        "OpenStreetMap</a> contributors"
# Create a tile layer and add it to the map:
tile_layer1 = folium.TileLayer(**tile_settings1)
the_map.add_child(tile_layer1, name=tile_layer1.tile_name)

# Make use of the Thunderforest Landscape map:
tile_settings2 = {
    "tiles": (
        + API_KEY
    "name": "Thunderforest Landscape",
    "attr": (
        '&copy; <a href="">Thunderforest</a>,'
        ' &copy; <a href="">'
        "OpenStreetMap</a> contributors"
# Create a tile layer and add it to the map:
tile_layer2 = folium.TileLayer(**tile_settings2)
the_map.add_child(tile_layer2, name=tile_layer2.tile_name)


# Add a track:
for track in read_gpx_file("example3.gpx"):
    for i, segment in enumerate(track["segments"]):
        add_segment_to_map(the_map, segment, line_options=line_options)

# To store the map as a HTML page:

# To display the map in a Jupyter notebook:

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.387 seconds)

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