Heart rate heat map

This example will create a map and add a heart rate heat map along a track.

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

from folium.plugins import HeatMap

from gpxplotter import create_folium_map, read_gpx_file

the_map = create_folium_map(tiles="openstreetmap")
for track in read_gpx_file("example4.gpx"):
    for i, segment in enumerate(track["segments"]):
        data = []
        for lat, lon, hr in zip(segment["lat"], segment["lon"], segment["hr"]):
            data.append([lat, lon, float(hr)])
        HeatMap(data, name="Heart rate", radius=20).add_to(the_map)
        boundary = the_map.get_bounds()
        the_map.fit_bounds(boundary, padding=(3, 3))
# To store the map as a HTML page:
# the_map.save('map_010.html')

# To display the map in a Jupyter notebook:

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.201 seconds)

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